Monday, October 17, 2005


Oh Great! Now I'm worried about being worried.

Without turning this post into a religious discussion, I thought I'd share what I learned last night in my "Women's Prayer Class".

According to the workbook set we are reading from ("A Woman's Call to Prayer", by Elizabeth George) worrying is a SIN.

Let me beat you to the punch. "Huh??"

Consider this exerpt from E. George's book: "God's word is clear in instructing us to take care of our responsibilities and families and to carefully manage all that we possess. But beyond that, the Bible is also crystal clear in letting us know that we are not to worry...about anything...ever...period!" (97)

Here was the question that I wrote on page 63 of my workbook: "Worry is built into the emotional code. We can't prevent it from coming. We often do not even realize that we are doing it. Sure, we can deal with worry in different ways. We can exercise, rest, bite our nails off, or cry. But how (please tell me) can you call something that you have almost no control over a SIN?

I probably missed the point of the lesson completely, but this question still sits in my brain like a gargoyle atop a great building. (yeah, I said great building.)


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