Tuesday, September 13, 2005


The SOCK Project

My little sock friend is "J.J." I made him two years ago for my kids. I wanted to give them a special friend that they could carry around for a long, long time. I hoped they would see & hold him and feel comfortable and loved.

Lately, with the recent tragedies in America, I have felt much sadness for all the children who have lost SO much and have nothing but hope. I want to give them what I gave my kids.

I'd like to make lots and lots of these little guys (similar to J.J.) and distribute them to the shelters and children's homes in my area.

So, here I am. I have this huge idea sitting on top of my heart and no vehicle to drive it. Here are my goals:

  • To obtain materials necessary for this project;
  • To establish a network, and then an organization called "S.O.C.K: Showing Our Children Kindness";
  • To get other people from around the nation to make dolls for the shelters/homes in ther area [the dolls will look a little different but will be linked by a tag which will be sewn on the dolls. The tags will say "S.O.C.K: Showing Our Children Kindness", and will be located on the doll's bottom.]
If you would like to help by donating, please click on "J.J." at the top of the screen.

Here are the items I will need to purchase for this project:

  1. basic sewing machine
  2. thread
  3. new men's tube socks
  4. yarn.
If you would like to help in other ways, please email me! I will need a good acronym for "S.O.C.K." also. Please share your idea below!

Thank you!

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